Everyday, we are faced with the pressures of the world. That is why, we stress a lot that it leads to affect our health. That what make this site significant as we both share and work together to achieve a healthier life for ourselves and for the people we care.

Welcome to a healthier and nourishing life!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

My way to healthy Gastro-Intestinal Tract.

I often experience rumbling of my stomach. I've noticed such incident occurs everytime I eat too much food. I just ignore this until I have read from the Natural Health Magazine (p.61), November 2008 issue that says that scientists have discovered that three-quarters of your immune system resides in your gastrointestinal tract. It's also where you manufacture brain chemicals called neurotransmitters, which influence how you think, feel and asleep.

This information prompts me not to neglect the rumbling of my GI tract. As a result, I contemplate and apply these helpful tips that best give remedy to my stomach problem. Here are those:

During morning time at about 6:45, upon waking up, you swig 4 to 16 ounces of tomato or carrot juice 15 minutes after waking. At 6:45 a.m., sprinkle a capsule or packet of pribiotic like Theralac or Jarro-Dophillus into your juice. If you're battling diarrhea, food intolerances or sinus allergies, you can add Culturelle, Yakult or Align to Yogurt or applesauce to distribute the pribiotic along your GI tract, starting with your mouth.

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