Everyday, we are faced with the pressures of the world. That is why, we stress a lot that it leads to affect our health. That what make this site significant as we both share and work together to achieve a healthier life for ourselves and for the people we care.

Welcome to a healthier and nourishing life!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are caused by pressure from the blood in the veins, which is normally limited by valves every few inches in the vessels. With prolonged pressure from standing uprigth, hormonal changes and weakening of the blood vessels, the valves break down, causing veins to grow larger and new vessels to form.

Actually, there are number of simple things to relived the pressure on your veins and promote recovery. Raise your legs on a desk or chair throughout your workday to take pressure off the veins and help the valve recover. Gravity encourages accumulated fluid to flow back to the heart. When prolonged standing can't be avoided, wear comfortable shoes with good arch support. Also help the blood return from the legs in the deep veins. And keep yourself moving so your blood also moves.

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